Statistical Transliteration
This is a general purpose, universal, mixed text, independent of spelling, high
accuracy, reverse transliteration technology. Reverse transliteration
means converting transliterated text to its original form. Typically, this
is a difficult task for a computer. For instance, there are several thousand
transliteration conventions people use to write Russian using the Roman alphabet and all
of them lose a great deal in the translation. In addition, Russian and non-Russian words is often mixed in the same text (especially in email text) which creates the problem of distinguishing between what should be transliterated
and what should not.
Thanks to cutting edge scientific methods and sophisticated software development
our transliteration engine achieves approximately 99.5% accuracy for any text which is about
40 times MORE accurate than traditional transliteration solutions.
Reverse transliteration is usefull to web-mail providers, web
forums, etc. who want to give users a better experience.
Bulgarian (Lat2BG)
Try it
Russian (Lat2RU)
Try it
>99.5% accuracy. It makes about 40 times less errors than ordinary reverse
transliteration. For some languages the accuracy can be as high as 99.95%.
Correct conversions, regardless of the type of Latin spelling used. With some
languages, such as those using the Cyrillic alphabet, people have adopted more than
a thousand different ways to spell using the Latin alphabet.
Recognition of non-native text mixed with native text. The non-native text is left
unchanged (such as foreign language text, URLs, email addresses, programming code,
HTML tags, foreign postal addresses, and dozens more).
- High fidelity. Stays true to the original content of the text.
- Flexible. It can translate only defined sections of text, skip defined sections,
etc. Can accomodate easilly various forms text. For instance it already comes with
HTML support.
High speed. Instant transliteration of words and short phrases, with an average
speed of 5-10 Kb/sec for larger texts.
Those who are interested in having this tranliteration for another language,
please send us an email.
Installation Instructions for Web Sites
There are three options:
1. Use the free transliteration webservices at: for Russian or
for Bulgarian.
2. Use the HTTP POST interface. Usage example:
3. You can also purchase the software to install it on
your server (.NET or Java).
We can customize it for you.
To buy the software or if you have questions about this exciting technology
send us an email.