About Web Keyboards (version 5)
KREDOR Web Keyboards is a free javascript plugin which provides a cross browser, lightweight, configurable, extensible virtual keyboard layout switch that can easily be added to any web site.
Users can type in their native alphabet using their prefered keyboard layout even if it is not available or configured on their computer.
Works on top of non-US keyboards as well - for example Swedish, French, etc.
Useful for search engines, blogs, forums, web mail, linguistics sites, etc., chat sites, anywhere where users enter text on a web page.
Cross Browser
Works with all browsers. Internet Explorer 4+, Firefox 0.8+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Netscape.
Arabic Standard and Phonetic (AR & AP)
Bulgarian Phonetic and Bulgarian Standard (BP and BG)
French (FR)
Greek (EL)
Hindi Traditional and Hindi Romanized (HI and HR)
Latin American
Russian Phonetic and Russian Standard (RP and RU)
Tamil Standard (Tamil 99), Tamil Romanized, Tamil Phonetic (DOE) (T9, TR, TP)
Ukrainian Phonetic and Ukrainian Standard (UP and UK)
Georgian LAT/QWERTY and Russian Phonetic (KA and RP)
Keyboard layout
Version 5 (August 2012)
Version 5 resolves an issue with Ctrl and Alt keys.
Version 3 (August 2011) marked the ten-year anniversary of Web Keyboards and came with a ton of improvements: support for the latest browsers, consistent user interface accross browsers, modernized codebase, more configurable, reduced size, and more.
Web Keyboards consumes less than 6K of bandwidth and consists of only one javascript file.
Button style, captions, available layouts, default layout, enabling for specific fields or for all fields and more can be easily configured.
Add your own keyboard layouts easily.
Installation Instructions
Step 1:
Download the the script from the links below, unzip it and put it on your web server.
Arabic Standard and Phonetic (AR & AP)
Bulgarian Phonetic and Bulgarian Standard (BP and BG)
French (FR)
Greek (EL)
Hindi Traditional and Hindi Romanized (HI and HR)
Latin American
Russian Phonetic and Russian Standard (RP and RU)
Tamil Standard (Tamil 99), Tamil Romanized, Tamil Phonetic (DOE) (T9, TR, TP)
Ukrainian Phonetic and Ukrainian Standard (UP and UK)
Georgian LAT/QWERTY and Russian Phonetic (KA and RP)
Step 2: Copy and paste the html snippet below into the page HTML in the place(s)
where you want the button to appear.
Step 3: Copy and paste the script tag below immediately before the closing </head> tag. Make sure that you set the
src attribute below to the correct location of the script on your server.
KREDOR Web Keyboards is free for sites with less than 1 million visitors per month. Sites larger than that need to pay a small licensing fee in exchange for support and customization. Please contact us if your site is in that category.
More Info
To learn more about Web Keyboards, please visit the
Getting Started page for code samples and complete documentation.
Email us if
you have additional questions, suggestions for improvement or need customization.